In fact, Fuerza Popular only filed 145 withdrawal requests on time, about 50% of which were rejected. They have announced that they will appeal, but even if All appeals were accepted in the second instance, and the votes involved were not enough to reverse the result. In recent days, Fujimori has revised his speech. From holding the Peruvian Liberal Party solely responsible for electoral fraud, it continues to delegitimize the work of national election juries , and accused President Francisco Sagati of meddling in the election.
In the process, the right wing that unanimously supported Fujimori split into two groups: conservative populists and liberal technocrats. The first group radicalized itself In his speech against communism, he also added symbols of violence against the Andes, harassment Fax Number List of jury presidents in national elections and prosecutors investigating the case of Keiko Fujimori Odebrecht, as well as organizations targeting him for what he called Violent campaign by the enemy. Another much smaller sector has distanced itself from the position taken by the leaders of Fuerza Popular.
But for Fujimori, the stakes are high: if he fails to become president of the republic, the money-laundering charges against him Proceedings will continue - the prosecutor's office has asked for a sentence of 30 years and 10 months in prison. For his part, If he does eventually become president on July 28, Castillo will have to face a doubly complicated situation: On the one hand, he will have a large chunk of the population who believe he has come to power without respecting his wishes. On the other hand, he will face a hostile Congress that could thwart his administration's moves.